Slow to anger
abounding in love
is The Lord
to the highest heavens
into the depths of the deepest ocean trench
to the edge of the universe and beyond
extends the compassionate embrace of Love
Love which binds us to one another
Love which fires us with faith
Love which never will let us go
how wonderful
how marvellous
how incredible
is the heights,
the depths
the span
of God’s love for us
may our lives be filled with gratitude for this
may our actions reflect love into the world
may we forgive, as we have been forgive
and find ourselves in seeking the lost
those who cannot forgive themselves
those who cannot love what they see in the mirror
those who believe they are beyond forgiveness; unworthy of any love
may our lives be filled with mercy, kindness and love
as the small things we can do
may be as the ripples on a pond
ever increasing circles of love and kindness and mercy in this world
we recall the ill
those awaiting results
those watching at bedsides
the bereaved
and silently we name those we know before you today
Lord God
be with them, through all who care for them, including us
that they may know the power and embrace of your Love
Everlasting King
we know and believe in your never ending goodness to us
and in faith, trust you are not only our King, but the true King and Ruler of the earth
may your spirit guide all leaders
that they will live and act according to your will
obeying the law you offer the world
guide them, in their decision making
for the goodness and care of all
especially the most vulnerable
and for the care of your beautiful creation
Creating One
we bless you for all your goodness to you and, in the silence of this place, we offer our own prayers
for the people, places and situations which are in our thoughts and on our minds today
All this we pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord
who live and reigns with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit
One God
Now and always