Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 1 February 2018

NB This prayer was written from use in a local care home

Everlasting God

To you be all glory and honour and praise

Blessed be the Lord God

Lord of Hosts to us

We give thanks to you, for those who have preached the gospel to us

not just ministers, but those who have been generous with their time for us

those who have been lavish in their patience with is

those who have been bounteous in their love for us

throughout our lives

families, friends, companions along they way

and those who are with us now

tending to our needs

Grant to us, Lord God the humility and kindness of spirit to accept the care we receive with thankfulness

and, as we do so, may those who care for us see the gospel in us

the good news of knowing your Love, revealed through Jesus Christ our Lord

Christ Jesus

we praise you that you are King of Creation

seated at the right hand of the Father

and, one day, you will return

so your kingdom may truly reign, on earth as it does on heaven

we praise you for St Paul

who was willing to be all things to all people

in order you would be seen in him

this is a task which seems impossible

one which, perhaps, only Paul was capable of

but together we can be all things to all people

Grant to us the ability to speak your word so some who hear it may know it comes from you

Holy Spirit


come and guide us

as Christ’s church in this time, in this place

guide us to be willing to comfort the lonely by us nearness

guide us to be willing to bind up the broken hearted with our presence

guide us to be willing to calm the frightened through us simply being with them

that, in so doing

the ill

the weary

the lonely

the abused

the overlooked

may find comfort and peace, Christ alone can bring
