Opening prayer 16 October 2016

Lord God

we come with awe into your presence

coming before your radiance, to lay our lives in sacrifice at your throne

bowing at your feet in wonder at your goodness, you holiness, your mercy.

Your mercy which endures forever

Your mercy which is justice for the whole of your creation

Your mercy which longs to see your justice prevail in this land

How awesome is your law, Lord God

How beautiful is your Word, our Father

How breathtaking your Law, The Almighty One

For it is a law of love, which you showed in the world through the magnificent landscape

a picture in every direction

The law of love, which you long to write on the hearts of your people

The law of love, which you showed to us in and through Jesus Christ

Our Saviour, our Brother, our Friend

Guide us this hour, through your Holy Spirit

we come in adoration before your judgement seat this hour, to meditate on your law, to sing your praises

may all our worship be acceptable in your sight, Lord God

may we feed on your Word, you law, your love

that we may be filled with the knowledge of your goodness

goodness which knows no wrong, recalls no sin

for though we have strayed from your path

We have listened to the loud voices of those who have tried to mislead us

We have put self interest before the needs of others

We have followed the letter of the law, neglecting love, compassion and justice


We are truly sorry for these and all the other ways we have failed others and failed you, Lord God

Restore us. Remind us of your love, where you wipe the slate clean and guide us to your love in and through Jesus Christ our Lord
