Approach and confession prayer 3 May 2020

As sheep are kept safe in the fields

so we are safe in our homes

as we approach the throne of grace

as we long to hear the voice of the Master

Christ Jesus

who, when he calls, we listen, for it is a voice we know and trust

Christ Jesus

help us to hear your voice this day

to hear it above the distractions of phones and social media

to hear it when we are unable to settle, to focus, to concentrate

to hear it above the eerie silence of quiet streets and empty houses

to hear it above the cacophony of houses filled with people, not used to being at home together


As your flock, Jesus

we are scattered

but joined together through the power of the Holy Spirit joining us to one another

and to all our siblings in the worldwide church


Enter our hearts and minds this day

allow us to worship you in spirit and in truth

to know we are cared for and loved

by the Lord

who is our Shepherd


Shepherding One

as your flock, we know there are times where we have gone astray

we’ve failed to listen to your voice

we’ve seen the grass is greener on the other side of the enclosure

and, in so doing, have sinned against you, others and the earth

in humility, we ask for your forgiveness

knowing you seek us out and will gather us back into the fold

as your flock
