Intercessions 6 September 2015

Lord, God almighty

we bless and praise your holy name, a name above all names

we are honoured to call you father

through our relationship with Jesus Christ, your son

we thank you for this relationship, a relationship borne through our faith in you, our God

We praise you for those who taught us the way of faith.

Parents, grandparents, neighbours, Sunday School teachers

their actions, as well as their words, served to lead us towards our own faith in you, as our Lord God and redeemer

Their actions showed us Christ’s love for us and showed us how Christ loves the unloved in our communities, in our world.

The stranger, the mournful, the refugee, those who never seem to be able to find employment.

May we follow Christ’s example and show love to those on the outside, on the edges of our communities.

Loving God

we pray for all those who suffer violence, both victim and perpetrator

comfort those who are attacked and help those who would attack to find a better way and seek forgiveness

We pray for the ill, and those who watch as their loved ones suffer

may your living word bring the comfort they need

and may you spirit guide medical and caring professionals to bring an end to their pain and suffering

We pray for your church, in this place, The Church of Scotland and throughout the world

together, we are the body of Christ, together, we are brothers and sisters through our shared faith.

We especially recall before you our fellow Christians who are fleeing persecution

in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan

we hurt, because they hurt

may they know they are remembered in prayer throughout your church and may they know strength and comfort through that knowledge

In a few moments of quiet, let us offer to God the prayers which are written on our hearts, which are so difficult to put into words

Lord God

king of the universe, in whom we are made equal before your throne

these are our prayers, offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord
