Approach and confession prayer 26 March 2023

You are King beyond measure, Lord God

to big, mighty, wonderful for us to fully comprehend

outwith time and space

and with us in this place

bigger than the universe

and in our courts, even a sparrow can find her home

what wonder is this?

That you made us in your image

that you love us

with an unfailing love

that you delight in receiving our adoration

in song, in word, from the depths of our very beings

bowing down before you

in wonder and awe

you consider us worthy

worthy enough

to know you through Jesus, the Son

the One who is the resurrection and the life

the One we call on in times of trouble and despair

longing, longing for him to come to us

come to us

and heal our pain

Healing Christ

heal us today

heal us of the bitterness which eats at us

heal us of the pain which we cause to others, ourselves and this world

heal us of the desire to blame others for our situation

heal us from our sins

take our dry bones

and revive us

revive us by the spirit

bring life into our faith and our worship, we pray

Christ Jesus

help us to look to you

the resurrection and the life

who offers forgiveness

that we may serve you

with reverence

today and always
