Give praise and honour to the Most High
who dwells in the city of God
a place of divine radiance
where beauty is illuminated by the glory of the Lamb
who is throned in splendour
from the throne flows a river
a river in which makes the city of God glad
for its streams flow into the whole of creation
bringing life-giving water to every living creature
bringing shaping water to the hills and valleys
bringing refreshing water to parched souls
the water which flows is life itself
for it is the water from the throne of the Lamb
the Lamb we are united to in our faith alone
The Lamb, who delights in us
delights to call us brothers, sisters, friends
delights that we come to give glory to God alone
in our song, our prayer, our sharing together
in worship, in praise
that, together with the whole church in every time, in every place
may be joined together by the stream of life
and filled with joy through worship of the one who sits on the throne
Lamb of God
Take away the sins of the world
Lamb of God
bring forth your righteousness into our lives
Lamb of God
renew our faith in you and you alone
Purge us from all which prevents our true devotion
cleanse us of all which falls short of the glory of God
remove from us all which divides us from one another and from the love of God which passes all understanding
restore us to our rightful place as sons and daughters of the Most High
Brothers and Sisters in Christ alone
Send the Holy Spirit to reshape us into people worthy of discipleship
that together we can bring the living streams of life
the world so desperately needs