Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 8 December 2019

God of peace

we thank you we can and do live in peace

we are free from war and conflict in our land

we are free to worship, to travel, to love

we thank you for this blessing on us and this country

help us to not take it for granted

today we specifically bring before you

Burundi, Mali, Somalia and South Sudan

where there is no peace

these are countries rarely mentioned in the news

and barely known to us

but we offer them to you, in faith and love

knowing you know each one and are acting out your love through those who work for peace in those countries


Lord Jesus Christ

the one who sprung from the root of Jesse

to rule over all the nations

to bring hope to all the people

we thank you that you are our true King

that all authority on heaven and on earth has been given to you

we thank you that, no matter what you are the one we can and do place our trust in

not powerful people

not riches

but you

this week, as a General Election looms

we thank you we have the right to vote

guide our choice not by our own desires, but by

for we long for a government who will serve with justice, compassion, honestly


Justice bringing King

we praise and thank you that your justice allows all people to know your love and forgiveness

even us

may your justice fall down in this land as refreshing rain on dry, parched land

so all may know peace

the deep peace you alone can give


Loving God

we thank you for the Advent journey

a time to wait, to anticipate, to reflect

grant us the wisdom and courage to use this time well

to your honour and glory

to bring hope and peace into our homes, our streets, our land

our hearts and minds have so many worries and concerns and so many things to be thankful for

that in a few moments of quiet

we offer them up to you

knowing you understand, even where we can find no words



accept our prayers

spoken and written on our hearts

through Christ Jesus

our true King
