who is both wise and the source of wisdom
who is both love and the source of love
who is creator and the source of creation
God who is
in the quietness of this place
we seek the one in whom we find our source,
our truth,
our being
we pause in the busyness of our lives to come before the one who is The Way
longing to follow
longing to be led
longing to enter the Divine dance with
God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
longing to set aside our pride
our envy
our selfish ambition
our boasting
and simply to rest in the gentle caress of the Hidden Love of God
that Love of God
which is in every blade of grass
each hue of the trees
each one of us
if only we are prepared to see
prepared to be
prepared to let go of all which is not loving
knowing God’s love flows in and through us
refining us
shaping us
moulding us
to be true servants of one another
our neighbours
the world
Teaching us again and again how to be true disciples of the One who gave all for us
The Servant King
who offers Holy Wisdom to us
that we may submit ourselves to God
this hour in worship
and all the days of our lives in praise and service to the very source of our being