We have come to the mountain of the Lord
with praise in our hearts and thanksgiving on our tongues, let us face the realities of the world, as we pray for others and the world:
Begotten God
Eternal One
Holy is your name
worthy of all our thanksgiving
illuminate this world with the light of your love
that we may see more clearly the places which long to know and see your justice and righteousness
Preparing God
this Advent season, prepare all the nations to seek the mountain of the Lord
to come and know your goodness, mercy, care
prepare within us the willingness to take risks to proclaim “Wake up! The Lord is near”
All embracing One
we thank you, no matter what we have done, no matter who we are, we are welcome to worship you and know your love
encourage in each one of us the willingness to be the people who are Christ in the world
to be Jesus in this church
to reach out and touch those others do not want to be with
on this World AIDS day, we offer this our prayer for those affected by HIV and AIDS
bless those who are infected
those who are care for AIDS orphans
those who treat, support and draw alongside people living with HIV/AIDS
those who speak out in challenge of discrimination and prejudice
those who strive to find a cure
Lord of Love
we offer our prayers spoken and written on our hearts in and through Christ Jesus