Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 29 March 2020

God of Mary and Martha

how we are so like those sisters

wondering where you are in this mess

why, why is this happening?

It is hard, so very hard to see things to be thankful for

but we will try

for we know, we really know that we need to look to for goodness in these days

For the internet, an imperfect gift, but one we are so pleased to have

allowing us to worship, to stay connected

this would be so much harder without it

we recall before you those who keep the internet going

updating websites and servers

building and maintaining infrastructure


for cleaners, wherever they may be. When this is over, may we never take them for granted again

for all who work for the NHS, who we know are scared and anxious

give then strength and courage. Assist them to pace themselves. And know they are in the prayers of all with faith throughout this land.

For leaders, in every capacity. May we forgive their mistakes and support them as we can, as they deal with the enormity of all this awful situation brings.


Lord God

we thank you that you ever long to draw us more into your presence

to know your love and care

to know the peace you along can bring

we thank you this is offered to us

we also ask those we will pray for over the course of this week will know your presence and guidance

and, in a few moments of quiet, we bring before you the people, places and situations which particularly lie heavy on our hearts this day


All these prayers, spoke and unspoken are offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and always
