With our whole hearts
we come
to bring our thanks and praise to the Lord
for redemption offered
and covenant kept
Wonderful is God’s name and worthy to be praised
Everlasting One
not a day goes by which you do not cherish
not a person comes into this world whom you do not love
no death or loss is hidden from your sight
we thank you all are held in the palm of your hands
and we praise you
that you have adopted us, even us, as your beloved children
called, by faith, to build up one another, in love
love revealed in Christ Jesus
Compassionate Christ
we are grateful you lift us up when we fall
and you support us in our weakness
for without your love and mercy in our lives
we are nothing
and our knowledge is for nought
reveal to us those who are weak
that we may learn from then
show us how to change our lives
least others would stumble and fall
this week has felt dark
cold, dreary weather
icy roads and pavements
deaths and pain all around we see
it feels overwhelming
too much to take in
too much for us to envision how our prayers make a difference
to hungry children, whose faces we cannot picture
abused women, unable to break free
young people, feeling the future is bleak
our environment, needing healing
we know it’s easier to think of those known to us;
friends, family, neighbours
for we see their faces, know their circumstances
yet, we know, with our whole hearts
you hold all these we pray for in your hands
and you answer all our prayers
through us
and through others
help us to always pray in that knowledge
grant our strength in our affliction
and great hope for tomorrow
in the wonderful knowledge that you are God
and great are your works