Who is God?
mighty, judge and ruler of earth
through whom, by whom, in whom all things
seen and unseen
were made
Who is God?
Saver of God’s people
The One we love
and long to love more
The One we gather
to worship
with heart, soul, mind and strength
in this place
and all the days of our lives
The One who held nothing back
not even God’s Son
Christ Jesus
to live among humanity
and offer his life
revealing the depths of God’s love
for us all
what wonder is this?
To know God,
even a little
to bring our words, even though they are carefully crafted
they seem so inadequate to express the wonder, the adoration, the love we have
they seem so inadequate to even express a little of who God is
so we pause, bowing at the throne of grace this day.
As we pause, we reflect on how we have sinned in thought, word and deed
on our own, and in common with others
in so doing, we’ve stayed from The Way, and failed to mirror Christ’s glory in the world
in penance, we repent.
Look, Christ Jesus
lived, died, went to the depths of hell for you
offering God’s love in the wounds he bears
know the healing those wounds bring
through your sins, your wrongdoings, being forgiven
through Christ Jesus
our King, our true Lord
now and always