Adoration we bring this day
adoration for the King of kings
Lord of lords
Mighty and Majestic are God
whom we know
whom we trust
and long to know and trust more and more
adoration we bring this day
offering our whole selves
as holy, living sacrifices
laying what we have at God’s table
trusting in God’s love
what we bring
with our hearts,
with our minds
with our bodies
with our souls
are fitting offerings
made holy through your blessing them
Lord God
and blessing us
with your presence
in this time of worship
through the power of the Holy Spirit
moving within and around us
Increase our trust, we pray
that we may truly respond
when you call
“here I am.”
Calling Christ
you are our reward
through you we are made righteous
help us to follow your path
seek us out when we stray far from your way
forgive us when we fail to trust in you and your unfailing love for us
for the task you call us on
seems to be all but loss
in God’s great mercy and love
receive again the forgiveness offered through Christ Jesus
in that forgiveness, may your trust and love of God deepen
to follow where God calls