Approach and confession prayer 14 February 2021

Sing praises to God

Praise God’s Holy Name

A Name which is worthy

A Name which brings healing and restoration

A Name which is above all names

and in which all our hopes and dreams meet

for the anger of God is fleeting

yet the love of the Lord

lasts forever

How can we sing praises to God?

We who give up so easily?

We who fail to hold ourselves accountable to our fellow siblings in Christ?

We who cry to God for mercy, knowing we deserve for God to hid God’s face from us?


God is merciful

keeps the everlasting covenant

restores the people to wholeness

turns our sorrow into dancing

changed our sackcloth for fine, white linen

lifted us from the pit of despair onto the firm rock which is our salvation

Christ Jesus, God’s Son

So sing praises to God

and worship God’s name

for all honour and glory and praise belong to the Holy One

whom longs to accept our adoration

in song, in prayer, in reflecting on The Word of God

as we Sing praises to God

may we acknowledge

our faults

in our own doing

and in common with others

Lord, do not turn your face from us

sinners as we are

hear us

help us

grant mercy to us

through Christ Jesus

may we know mercy, forgiveness, salvation

today and always
