Word of Life
Light of God
Holy One
we honour you
one heart and mind
we give you praise and thanksgiving
for the glorious resurrection
where sins are forgiven
death crushed under your feet, never to defeat humanity again
what joy is ours that we know of this through our faith in the living Christ Jesus
who has risen
he has risen indeed
and in his resurrection, eternal life was revealed to us
this is our joy
this is our salvation
this is our redemption
which calls us to bring all we have
all our money and possessions
all our skills and gifts
and lay them before you
Lord Jesus
for all belongs to you
and we are grateful for these blessings, and the many other blessings you have bestowed on our lives
may we give generously,
with kindness and without judgement
to the work and witness of the kingdom of God
High King of Heaven
in your earthly life
you reached out to include those your society excluded
signs of the kingdom of heaven breaking into the world
teach us to include those society or the church excludes
open our hearts to bless our communities
with generous spirits that all may receive according to their need
and foodbanks and clothing banks may be wiped from creation
open the hearts of governments of wealthy countries to not cling to vaccines
but work towards an even sharing of this blessing you have bestowed on the world, through scientific research and endeavour
and we bless and thank you for the roll out of the vaccine across our land
bless those who work behind the scenes for this massive logistical challenge
and those who administer it
we praise you for the light of hopefulness this gives us
and now, in a few moments of quiet, we bring before you Lord God the people, places and situations which are on our minds and in our hearts today
hear our prayer
in your great mercy graciously hear
all these prayers
spoken and unspoken
offered through Christ Jesus
who is the intercessor
for the whole world