Communion liturgy 22 August 2021

Jesus is the bread, came down from heaven. In eating this bread, in drinking this wine, we share the life of God’s new age

Father God

through your Word to us

we come to believe in Jesus as the one you sent

from heaven

bringing life for the world

offering his very flesh and blood

to us

even us

that, receiving him in faith

he may abide in us

and we abide in him

for where can we go, but with Jesus

who has the words of life for the coming age

who is the holy One of God

may heaven and earth be filled with the glory of the Lord

may we be filled by this rich spiritual food

to share in the new age of God

and say

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

God of power and might

heaven and earth are full of your glory

blessed be the One who comes in the Name of the Lord

Lord Jesus

fill our hearts with thankfulness at this gift you prepare for us

this table,

a foretaste of the heavenly feast

send the Holy Spirit down onto this bread and wine

that they may become for us

your true flesh

your true blood

received in faith


Jesus says:

this is the bread which came down from heaven; it isn’t like the bread which the ancestors ate, and died. The one who eats this bread will share the life of God’s new age.”

let us share this, as Jesus commanded us to do, when on the night he was betrayed, after giving thanks to God the Father, took the bread, broken it and said “this is my body broken for you.”

in the same way he took the cup and said:

this is the cup of the new covenant God makes with God’s people, sealed by my blood.”

do this to remember me

Lord Jesus

we remember you, and in receiving you this day, proclaim your glory until you come again.


Holy, Holy, Holy God

Father, Son, Spirit

bless us, as we have received in faith

lead us to the coming age

for we believe, and have come to know

Jesus is the holy One of God

who we trust

who we love

who we long to follow till he comes again.
