Praise to God
Praise to the Son
Praise to the Holy Spirit
One God, three in one and one in three
in perfect harmony, in perfect love
Praise our souls to the King of heaven
God Almighty
Trustworthy Friend
Faithful Counsellor
From whom and through whom all seen and unseen came into being
created as an expression of love by the trinity of God
from the capillaries of the grass, invisible to the naked eye
to the grandeur of snow capped mountains
all made in and through the love which binds the three together
a love all creation is part of
a love where all creation can sing, our God and King
a love which we are invited to join with
along with angels and archangels
along with the prophets of old
along with the saints and holy people of faith, from generation to generation
along with the entire body of Christ throughout the whole world
So we join, in love and praise and worship to the blessed Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Join in love, wishing our humble praise and prayers may waft up, as pleasing incense to the highest heights
to blend with cherubim and seraphim
in a never ending hymn of glory
to the One who is our refuge, our delight, our all in all
The One who made known to us the path of life, through Jesus Christ the risen Lord
Christ, who is risen
He is risen indeed
As we approach God’s throne this hour
may we lay our burdens down
the burdens of sin
the burden of things said or not said
the burden of things done or not done
the burden of blame and guilt we carry within
May we place those burdens at the foot of the cross
knowing through Jesus’ death and glorious resurrection, we are forgiven and set free to know the wonder of life and love from God, which passes all understanding
That knowing that forgiveness, we can follow the One who counsels and instructs us
the Lord Jesus Christ