Source of Life and Being
We praise you
we honour you
we long to bring our heartfelt thanks for so, so many things
access to clean, fresh water, in our homes
allowing us to cook and clean and stay healthy
for that we offer our praise and thanksgiving
for the power of water
to shape valleys and coastlines
to penetrate deep rocks
to toss and turn boats and ships on the ocean waves
it is a wonder to behold, and to watch
and for that we offer our praise and thanksgiving
for irrigation
of crops and trees
gardens and hillsides
greening this land
and providing nourishment to animals of land and air
we offer our praise and thanksgiving
Source of Life and Being
Spring of the Water of Life Eternal
in our praise and thanksgiving
we know we must recall before you those, near and far from here, for whom water is a problem
farmers and crofters wondering when will the rain stop, so they can grow our food
those with flooded homes and businesses
uncertain of what the future holds
women at wells in sub-Saharan Africa
hoping, hoping the water is clean for their children to drink
those displaced in Malawi due to floods
Source of Life and Being
there are also those, who struggle being around others
they feel they will be judged for their clothes and lifestyle
they are concerned about Coronavirus
they long for the hope forgiveness brings, but do not know how to find it
Christ Jesus
we know you hear these prayers and are with those who work hard to support all those affected where water is too abundant or too scarce
we do not know what we can do to help, except to offer these our prayer in faith and trust
to the Source of our Lives and Faith
This day, we also pause for a few moments, to bring before the Source of the Water of Life those people, places and situations which are on our hearts this day
Lord, accept all these prayers
spoken and unspoken
offered through Christ Jesus,
who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit
One God, now and forevermore