Father God
we praise you in the morning
we praise you in the midday
we praise you in the evening
with every moment of our days we praise you
we praise you with our hands
we praise you with our feet
we praise you with our voices
with every part of our beings we praise you
for it is right and good and true to praise you
our God, our Lord
for you give light for us to walk in
plants for our sustenance and healing
and your name is written on our faces
and of the faces of all the nations, for all people we created in and bear your image
for this and all you are, we praise you,
Christ our King, our saviour, our redeemer
the name which we bear,
the name which is above all names#
the name which we long to serve
the name which we long to honour
in this worship together
Lamb of God
bless this time by and through your Holy Spirit
moving within and around us
bless these our prayers, and our meditations on your word, spoken and in our hearts
remove all which creates a barrier between you, Lord God and your people
our selfishness and self-interest
our unwillingness to rest trustfully in your presence
our tendency to see those who are outsiders, be they refugees, prisoners, those of other faiths even of not being welcome in your kingdom
open our hearts, Christ Jesus to listen to your voice, hearing that the gates of love are open
wash our hearts, Christ Jesus, of all our sins, so we may be true beacons of your light, your image
now and forevermore