Intercessions 27 September 2015

Listening God

you grant us the opportunity to speak with you

wherever we are, whatever we do, through prayer.

Prayers, which cry out to you in our anguish and despair

Prayers which are an outpouring of love and devotion

we bless you that we can speak to you this way, and that there is nothing in our lives, or in our concern for those around us and your world you do not want to listen to.

We know, there are those who think prayer is foolish, it does nothing, it is an empty gesture, when they see children caught up in war

when they see parents cry themselves to sleep when they cannot feed their families

when they watch loved ones float between life and death

and wonder what is the point of prayer

it’s so hard to explain, isn’t it God, but we know, deep inside that prayer makes a difference.

Help us to never give up on prayer and to always pray for the people and situations which need your care most

and may our prayers be actions, not just words, as our faith is empty if our actions do not reflect you love for and of the world.

Christ, the life of the world

you came to reveal the Father’s love for all people, everywhere

irrespective of religion, background, culture

we are all united in a shared humanity, the shared image of God

we thank you for this unity and diversity, that binds us to one another and to you

assist us to look beyond ourselves and see you, and your love, in the actions of those outwith your church

Teaching Jesus

through your time with your disciples you showed and taught many things.

We are grateful we have access to that teaching. We are also grateful for all who have taught us through our life journeys. Parents, school teachers, those in church, and life itself.

We bring before you those, from this community, who are beginning to learn in the world in new ways, in new places.

Be with them as they adjust to their new situations, forge new friendships, and move another step on the path of life with you as their help and guide.

Also be with their families and friends, those who have been left behind. Give them peace of heart that those they love are in your care and are guided in and through your holy spirit

God of silence and of noise

there are many prayers on our hearts, of joy and praise, as well as sorrow and mourning, yet human words seem too inadequate truly express what we have to bring before you.

So, in a few moments of quiet, we offer the prayers which are beyond words, written on our hearts before you

Lord God

accept these prayers, offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord
