Father God
from your mouth comes words of wisdom
words of wisdom which made and shaped and formed life, the universe and everything
words of wisdom which called forth your people from Egypt
words of wisdom which are foolishness to the world
for in your wisdom, you blessed humanity to bear your image and with this wonderful planet in which we live and work and explore and create
Christ our Lord
the very wisdom of the Father
we bow in reverence at your feet
and look towards your mercy seat towards the things of your kingdom
love, mercy, grace, compassion
for we are like children, needing guidance through the thread of love which binds us to you, our Lord
This hour, as we humbly come in worship
may your love enfold us
your goodness hold us
your wisdom guide us
that our prayers, our hymns of praise, our whole beings be acceptable in your sight, our Saviour, our King
Holy spirit
the very wisdom of God moving through the world
come to us as we gather here
guide our thoughts and minds away from earthly things which are harmful to us and those around us
that we may put on the new self, renewed in the knowledge of the creator
the Father, Son and holy spirit, one God, three in one and one in three
whose cords of love guide us to freedom and fullness of life
which was shown in the world in and through Jesus Christ our Lord