Holy God
Mother and Father of us all
one who birthed all creation
and knew each one of us in our mother’s wombs
how we adore you
how we long to bring forth our gratefulness
for all you have done for us
and the life of the universe
in quietness, we bring our thanks before you
Holy God
Mother and Father of us all
what love you have
to use one of your creatures
to carry your Son
not by imposition, but by consent
not by illusion, but by assent
not by trickery, but by Mary saying “yes.”
what love is this?
Amazing love, so amazing, so divine
brought forth by the Angel Gabriel
one of messengers of God
may we hear the messengers calling to us
and to your world
hear and listen
and be willing to follow Mary’s example of trust
in the One who is Mather and Father of us all
Holy God
help us to be your servants, and for your Word to be fulfilled
for the Word Mary bore
is hope for the hopeless
peace where there is discord
love where there is enmity
joy for those who sorrow
and may your Word be known to all who need to know hope, peace, love and joy
in their lives
in the live of those they love
in the life of the world
Life Giving One
the life of the world is a joy and a treasure
which we thank you, a hundred thousand times over for
be with those who fight for the protection of all that is good in our world
who campaign for justice to reign
for Mary’s song to be fulfilled
the world has waited so, so long
Life Giving One
for this to pass
may it come
may it come
we pray
for we long to see the world restored
and the promise that the kingdom will reign on earth as in heaven will truly come