Approach and confession prayer 20 August 2023

We bow before you, Lord God

bow before you in awe and wonder

at your majesty

bringing ourselves

our offering

our worship

before you today

singing hymns and psalms

listening to your Word

offering our prayers

for in you we have hope and a future

in you we have received mercy and love

much, much more than we deserve

much, much more than we can ever repay or truly honour

what wonder it is you bring us together

at this time, in this place

that we can unite in our worship through the power of the spirit

in and around us

for it is a blessing when people come together in unity

joined by our faith in the living Christ Jesus

in our adoration and our service


we bring all we have

all our joys and all our sorrows

in the knowledge you understand them all

and accept us

in your great mercy

you accept us

and all we bring today

Accepting Christ

in your life, you revealed clearly the great mercy of God

reveal it to us, again, today

for we are in need of your forgiving mercy

as we’ve been disobedient to your Way

separating ourselves from your covenant of grace

in our sin

forgive us, we pray

in your great mercy, forgive us


the mercy of God is for you

receive that mercy

know you are forgiven

and called back to obedience

in and through Christ Jesus
