Lord God
there is so much to thank you for, our words can seem inadequate to reflect, just a little, the thankgiving we have for your love for us, all the nations and the whole of creation
sometimes it’s the simple things in life we forget to thank you for
mechanics to look after our cars and vans, so we can get out and about, enjoy life, do our jobs, go to work
the bus drivers who make sure our children and grandchildren get to school safely
those in our communities who are charged with looking after the village halls, that they are safe places for clubs and groups to meet
young people who are passionate about justice for all
those who tirelessly fundraise for charities, local and national
our bin men and posties, delivery drivers and those who serve in our shops, cafes, pubs and hotels
Lord God
we are so blessed to have all these people working and serving in our communities
give them pleasure in their toil and time for rest and relaxation
In our wider community, we bring before you those who serve in elected public office
local councillors, MSPs, MPs, MEPs
may they serve with diligence, integrity and compassion
always placing the needs of the communities they serve at the heart of all they do
may we, in the ways we can, hold them to account where their decisions differ from Christ’s commands and praise where they act with love and compassion
Christ our friend, accept these are our prayers, spoken and on our hearts