Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 13 March 2022

Caring and Compassionate God

we thank you we can rest in the safety and security of your love

that, no matter what life may throw at us

no matter what the future holds

keep us safe in your dwelling

and turn your face to shine upon us

in your infinite graciousness to us

Gracious One

fill us with compassion, we pray

for there are many in your world who do not know compassion

children whose parents have been taken from them too soon

those caught in the cycle of poverty

those caught in the cycle of violence

where they are known to us

may we thank you we can be bearers of your compassion

where they are unknown to us

may compassion be sent to them

through aid agencies, government bodies and the actions of your faithful

where policies of governments are cruel

melt the hearts of policy makers and shapers

so your will may be done on earth as in heaven

Heavenly Christ

we thank you for laying down your life

for our protection

and the protection all God’s children

we acknowledge, with pain and sorrow

the church has sometimes failed in her sacred duty to be seen as the place where everyone can know protection, care, compassion

assist us to show a different way

to show Christ’s love

as Christ longs for us to show it

and open the hearts of those who need, pine for, desperately seek your compassion and love

to be able to find it

to be able to know the shelter under the shadow of your wings

Mothering God

we praise and thank you for being our place of safety and security in times of trouble

and pray for the places which need that safety and security




Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

homes living in fear of domestic abuse

families torn apart by war, addiction, money worries

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

Lord God

Father, Son, Spirit

we thank you we can bring our prayers and worship before you, and now pause in the quietness of this place

to bring the prayers which lie on our hearts, for which we cannot find words



in your mercy

hear these all our prayers, spoken and wordless

offered in faith and trust

in Jesus Christ
