Embracing God
as the Father embraced his lost son
we thank you for your embrace
a love which which will not let us go
a love which will never give up on us
as we think on that love, that welcome, that affirmation given to us
remind us no one is lost from your care, compassion, grace and love
those you would reach out to we may struggle to accept
the drug addict
the child abuser
the politicians who seem to put personal ambition before the good of the nation
the people whose opinions we can never condone
the list can go on and on
remind us your way is not our way
your thoughts are not our thoughts
that the kingdom your Son came to build is a different kingdom
where all can know your loving embrace
as their Parent
Parenting God
we thank you for your eternal presence in our lives
in sustaining us
in providing for all our needs and more
in gently rebuking us when we have gone astray
we praise you for all those who have cared for us in our lives
parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbours, work colleagues, people in the churches we have been part of
may our thanks for all their care not just be for one day, one special day
but each and every day
and we may be people who are known for caring for others
especially those the world may forget or overlook