Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 9 July 2017

Lord God Almighty

Blessed be your name forever

Knowledge of you is like a cool spring

pouring cool, clear water into our souls

We praise you for this gift

this gift which allows us to glimpse you in all we see and feel and hear around us

The touch of the hand which guides us

The smile of on the face of the one who serves us

The voice of the one who talks with us

we are blessed to have people who guide us, serve us, talk with us in our lives

May we bless them in return

with kindness, patience, love

That, though our actions, they may see Christ

Christ our Lord

We thank you that we can lay our burdens and worries at your feet

knowing none are too trivial, none are unimportant in your eyes

we worry about our health, the health of our loved ones, what the future holds


we thank you for nurses and doctors, opticians and chiropractors, cleaners and cooks who help look after our bodies

we thank you for soup lunches, where we share conversation, friendship with those around us and those who serve us

we thank you for visitors, bringing news and love and laughter with them

as we recall our blessings

we feel our burdens and worries lifting, even a little

we feel our souls being refreshed through the cooling water of your love, Christ our friend.

May that cooling water spring forth form us

that we may bring your refreshment to those who care and serve and love and support us all our days


Christ our King

We pray for your church, in the myriad of locations and contexts and expressions she has

we thank you we are part of that one church

bound up in love with you, our Lord

who grants us rest and peace

who promises his burden is light

may we share his good news

with all who come to us

that they, too, may know the refreshment to the soul only Christ can bring
