Intercessions 11 October 2015

We give thanks with grateful hearts, Lord God, for the gifts you generously pour out on us

the gift of love, from family and friends

the gift of home, a refuge from the world, a place of safety and comfort

the gift of faith, which inexplicably gives us the reassurance of your unconditional love for us

our cups run over, with your blessings.

As they run over, may they bless those around us

who feel unloved,

who know no home, no place of safety and security

who are doubters of your never ending goodness due to their circumstances or because of what they see going on in your world

We give thanks with grateful hearts, Lord God for this church in this place

a community of faith, a family united as brothers and sisters through Jesus Christ, our Lord, our brother

and united to all our brothers and sisters throughout the world

We are blessed to worship together free from fear or persecution and we give thanks for that, Eternal God.

We recall those who do not have that freedom.

Those in North Korea, where Christianity is banned

Those in Iraq, who are tortured by ISIS for not renouncing their faith in you

Those in South Sudan, who seem forgotten by the world

We cry in pain and anguish that members of our church family suffer as they do.

Sustain them in your love, Lord God,

comfort them in their fear, Christ Jesus

support them in their faith, Holy Ghost

God of Justice

we thank you for all who work for justice in our land

police officers, sheriffs, judges, lawyers, court clerks and procurator fiscals

may they always act with fairness, with honesty, with good judgement and mercy

and may we, too, work for justice in our land

the justice you long for all to know

where the poor are fed

the homeless homed

the ill cared for

and the mournful comforted

Lord God

in your mercy, hear these our prayers, spoken and written on our hearts
