Approach and confession prayer 12 August 2018

Father God

How awesome it is to call you that.

Father, Abba, Dad

Using that intimate name to come before you

a name which we know means you love us, care for us, long to send time with us, your dear, dear children, in whom you delight

may we delight in you

may we bring joy in our worship this day

joy to you, joy to ourselves

as we ponder your Word

sing your praises

offer our prayers

to the one who we can name Father

Praise the Lord!

Christ Jesus

you taught us the way to your Father is through you

we long to meet you here, in this place

where we have shared food with one another

where we have listened to one another

where we have supported one another

come to us, as you did to your disciples, show us your truths, teach us your ways

that we may know you are the one who came for the life of the world

Life giving Spirit

come, move within and around us this day

challenge, comfort and inspire us to set aside all harm we have done to one another, to ourselves and to God so we can worship with clean hearts and minds

knowing we are forgiven of all our sins through the amazing love of God for the world shown in Jesus Christ, our Lord

in whom we gather and in whom we pray
