Bless us, O God, this day
in the chorus of the birds, bless us
in the scent of the blossom, bless us
in the wet grass and spring flowers, bless us
bless us and heal us
for we come to you, in this time, in this place
in love and trust
love and trust and expectant hope
in your promises, revealed to us in through the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord
We lift our voices, in worship and praise, to you, God of the new day, of new beginnings, of new and wondrous possibilities
O God of new beginnings
we come, remembering the newness of life you gave to the world, though that amazing resurrection
We lift our voices and hearts, in worship and praise to you, the risen Christ
remembering that yours is the power which reaches all hearts
yours is the sacrifice that challenges our indifference
yours is the glory that spans the earth
yours is the victory and the triumph
Risen Christ
come, be with us, in this ancient place.
Not made holy by human hands or people’s endeavour, but made holy in and through the power of your holy spirit, moving within and around us in our time together
open our eyes, open our ears to see and hear your word, your call, your love
Cleanse our hearts and minds from all which lays heavy on us.
The things we have said, which we wish we hadn’t
the things we have left unsaid, but wish we had the courage to say
the things we have done, which we ought not to have done
the things we have not done, which you have called us to do.
Despite all the ways we have let you down, Gracious God, we know we are forgiven in and through our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, who taught his followers to say together: