Easter Sunday intercession 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday intercession 5 April 2015

This Powerpoint was created to have an “eyes open prayer,” where the congregation were invited to keep their eyes open and use the photos as a means to think about various themes. Below is the text of the prayer.

NB All photos are mine, as I am happy for this to be used by others, though a credit would be welcome!

Let us come before God in prayer

Loving Heavenly Father, hear the thoughts of our hearts as we offer our prayers to you

Water, cleansing, refreshing, washing, blessing.

Flowers and bees and the wonder of creation

The congregation gathered here and those who are no longer with us, for what ever reason

[Insert a photo of your congregation in the powerpoint for this]

lifeboats, coastguards, and all who rescue and look after us

Food, those who made and produce it and those with little

the road, the way, which leads to you

the risen sun.


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