Prayer in light of the General Election 2019

Blessings are on those who find their help in God

the God of Jacob

Blessings are on those whose hope is in the Lord

for God made the world and everything in it

and is faithful forever and ever

in times of struggle and uncertainty

we place our hope in God

who is our help

May we praise the Lord

through our joy in the knowledge of the Lord

and in our work and witness in this community and this land

Bless the government with a spirit of truth and righteousness

with a spirit of calmness and peace

with a spirit of love and mercy

that they would take up the cause of the oppressed

ensure all go to bed full-up

that prisoners are rehabilitated and set free

that foreigners in this land can continue to call it home

that the ways which are wicked in the Lord’s sight would be frustrated

so this nation of ours may be a beacon of hope, peace, joy and love to all God’s people

within and outwith it borders

in Christ’s name we pray
