How wonderful are your works, Lord of Hosts, to us
they surround us
in the lushness of the fields
in the blossom on the tree
in the calling of the oystercatcher
we cannot help but be amazed by the wonder of your works, oh Lord of Hosts
the more we gain understanding of the bounty of your works, the more we are in awe at the harmony, the balance, the intertwining of all life
it is amazing
it is fabulous
it is surprising
we bow in awe
in the knowledge of your works, limited though that knowledge may be
we bow in awe that we are privileged to come here and worship you in word, in song, in prayer
may all our thoughts, all our words, all which we hold in our hearts
be acceptable in your sight, Lord of Hosts
remind us, through our baptism we received your grace of love, of forgiveness
cleanse us from all which prevents true adoration of all that is holy, all that is true, all that is lovely
release us of the burden of all the ways we have sinned in word, thought and deed
in the knowledge we are set free in and through your grace to live out your good news
May your Holy Spirit rest upon each one of us
stir within us hearts which which to bring you glory in all we say and do and are
that in so doing, we may show to all the world how wonderful, how marvellous the Lord of Hosts is
This is our prayer, offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord