Living God
promise keeper
covenant maker
we come
we come to worship you
to set this time apart as holy, sacred
a place where the veil between heaven and earth is so thin
we can almost touch it
feel it
smell it
fill our senses with your glory, Lord God
help us to view your divinity all around us
in the vase of flowers at the windowsill
to the sound of children playing in next door’s garden
in the space between us
and our fellow siblings in Christ
around the globe
all offering their adoration in a wave of adoration
from dawn to dusk
from day to day
week to week
month to month
in a never ending hymn of praise
to the One who is Holy
Holy One
as we begin this Lent journey
help us to journey with you
to seek out time to spend with you
to seek out ways to show kindness to others
to seek out your blessing
as we wander through the wilderness
assist us to resist temptation
to confess when we have sinned
and to truly seek repentance
from you, and from those we have sinned against
do not hold your mercy from us
remember your covenant you gave to Noah
not to destroy all flesh
take away our sins, Christ Jesus
as we humbly repent of them
rise us up
that we may sincerely follow you, this Lenten journey
to the cross of our salvation