Loving God
we come before you this day
in a new way
gathering before your presence
not in the church building we are familiar
but our own homes
not in our usual pews
but in our comfie sofa or chairs
not surrounded by those we meet Sunday after Sunday
but surrounded by your presence in the Holy Spirit being in us wherever we are this day
Ever Present One
open our hearts and minds to worship you
open our ears to hear your Word
open our eyes to see you are truly with us
you are our hope
the One we wait on with our whole beings
the One we wait on, more than those on guard duty wait for the dawn
Source of Life
Origin of all seen and unseen
our lives have been turned upside down
we look around and it is like grieving
grieving for the life we have lived
fear of what the future holds
longing for this all to be a stupid dream
but we know we won’t wake up
in this valley of dry bones
remind us of the comfort you bring
the hope we have through our faith in you
the assurance that all this will pass
and from the dry bones
you can and are making all things new
Renewing One
revive us this day
ease our worries and anxieties
comfort our sorrows
and bring us peace
as this comes to us,
we pause to confess our sins, in thoughts, words and deeds, individually and collectively
may we know we are forgiven through Christ Jesus our Lord
he is the One in whom we gather
he is the One who makes us church
for he is the One we follow
he is the One we love
he is the One in whom we pray
he is the One in whom we continue to pray saying…