Let us ascribe to The Lord
Ascribe to the Lord all that is worthy
ascribe to the Lord all that is good
ascribe to the Lord all that is beautiful
for all which is worthy and good and beautiful reveals the glory of his name
a name which is above all names
a name which is holy
to be adored and honoured from generation to generation
everlasting to everlasting
The Lord God is amazing
through his mighty word
the heavens and the earth were spread out
springs of water were called forth in the wilderness
the breath of life was given to God’s people
and life to all who walk on the land
Our righteous God
who calls to us
who takes our hands and blesses us
as his people
to be a light for all the nations
Our God
who is worthy of all our glory and praise
this hour, this day and all the days of our lives
may our voices, our hearts, our minds, our souls be filled with the deep, deep knowledge of your power, your majesty, your righteousness
as we worship you in prayer and praise
as we hear and mediate on your word
Focus our lives on you, Lord God
assist us to worship you alone
and to set aside all which may get in the way of our devotion to you
the demands of the world to accumulate stuff rather than love
the demands of the world to be busy doing for others rather than patiently being in their presence
the demands of the world to listen to those who dominate, rather than being the quiet voices of reason
Lord God
we confess we have followed the ways of the world
and in so doing, failed to follow you
come, through your holy spirit, sweep through us, we pray
remind us through our baptism our sins were washed away and we were called to follow you, through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ