Lord Almighty
You looked with love and compassion on Hannah
answering her prayer, offered in her pain and misery
look upon our prayers, also, with love and compassion
as we offer them with confidence
knowing our High Priest, Jesus Christ
intercedes on our behalf at your throne of grace
Graceful God
in deep gratitude we thank you for the families we have
parents, spouses, children, nieces and nephews, godchildren
bless them all with your tender care
we bring before you those who are far from family
working off-shore or abroad to provide for their loved ones
those suffering from depression feel unworthy of familial affection
those who long for a child of their own, but unlike Hannah, their prayers remain unanswered
draw them close to you, Gracious God
surround them with your love
that they may find strength for the coming day and hope for their future
Future assuring Christ
in the things you taught your disciples, you showed life with you wouldn’t always be easy
but that there was hope
hope for a better world
hope for your kingdom to reign on earth as heaven
hope for even for those such as us
in these uncertain times, we thank you we can place our trust in you
the world may shake, governments fall, but in you all things will be made new
we bring before you decision makers across our land and further afield
may they work for the benefit of all, especially the poor and vulnerable
to your glory and honour
Glorifying Spirit
through your moving within and around us
may we be stirred to action
in how we live our lives
in how we use our resources, at home, at work, in the church
to be the people who set an example for this area
to be beacons of hope, where hope can seem a flickering candle
may the church of throughout this land
be fired by the Holy Spirit
to in praise and service
offer assurance, hope and love
in a world in so much need of it