All the wonders of the Lord God
how can we measure them?
How can we even list them?
For they are too many, much, much more than we can fully comprehend
yet, in God’s great mercy and love
God gave us the will, the desire,
to seek to understand
all the wonders of the Lord God
in the song of the blackbird
in the cry of the kite
in the bellow of the deer
all the wonders of the Lord God
surround us every day
for everything, everything on heaven or on earth
is God’s
what wonder it is we may know this
and may point to the stars
and say, they are God’s
point to the water
and say, it is God’s
point to the Son
and say, it is God
with us
come as servant
as the lamb of God
to take away the sin of the world
Lamb of God
with reverence and awe, we bow
bow before you today
looking to know more of the forgiveness you offer
for we know we have strayed from your will
in our own words and actions
in our neglect
in common with others
in our iniquity, we are ashamed
and confess our sin before you
God the Father
offers forgiveness through God the Son
know that forgiveness
for God does not hide God’s righteousness from those who seek it
in Christ’s name