Loving God
help us to have a look at our boats, our lives
and be grateful for all of them
our possessions
our families
our work
our hobbies
our friends
all which helps sustain us
gives us a hope and a purpose
and remind us, it all finds its source in your great generosity to us
Generous One
we seek your blessing on the lives of those who do not know generosity
those who place their own needs and desires before the health of their communities
those who define themselves in what they have, rather than who they are
those scared by poverty
those fed up of handouts, rather than hand ups
turn hearts from selfishness to benevolence
from fear to grace
from sadness to joy
Joy making One
we seek your blessing on those who find little joy today
those re-entering lockdown
those who who mourn
those injured in Beirut
those who face redundancy
teachers anxious for schools’ re-opening
enter their lives with our presence, Joy making One
bring them the peace and joy only you can bring
Peace bringing One
we long to see peace in our communities
in our countries
in our politics
in our world
bring peace, we pray
still the waters
sit in the boats
bringing your peaceful presence to these situations
Christ Jesus
and, now, we pause for a few moments, bringing the people, places and situation which are on our hearts this day
Accept these prayers, offered in trust and faith
of the living Son of God
Christ Jesus