Majestic One
who notices the least and the lost
notice us this day
see us, in all our frailty and imperfection
as we assemble before your throne
bringing our inadequate offerings
in our weakness and poverty
longing to draw near to the source of our beings
longing to draw near to the one who knows us, notices us, and longs to spend time with us
our God, our Saviour, our Redeemer
Redeeming Christ
we long to see you
to welcome your presence here,
to talk to you
to walk with you
to meet with you through our worship this hour
will you come to our house, Christ Jesus?
Even sinners such as us?
For you are alone perfect
we are imperfect, pulled in many direction by the pressures of society, family, church even
getting things wrong time and time again
sometimes not learning from our mistakes
often not trying to show we have truly repented
come Lord Jesus
come and take up residence with us
soften our hearts
that we will seek your ways
that, in so doing, we will know our sins against you, others and this world are forgiven
and we can know salvation
for we are lost and need you to find us, Jesus
and set us back into your paths of righteousness
where this hour, this day and all the days of our lives
our worship and our service will show whose we are and who we serve
God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
One God now and forever
revealed to us in the living Chris Jesus
in whose name we gather,
in whose name we worship
in whose name we pray Amen