God of Abraham and Sarah
God of Isaac and Rebecca
God of heaven and earth
we worship you
we bow before you today
longing for you blessing us
through the presence of the Spirit
within and around us, we pray
attend to our prayers
hear our adoration
accept our offerings
given humbly and modestly
in response to all you have given us
for all we have, even the very breath in our lungs
this place in which we gather
the love you offer us
through Christ the Son
are from you
who are we that you desire our worship?
For even if we were silent
the mountains and trees
the mountains and fields
the birds and dolphins
bring their chorus of praise
each and every day
it is our joy, our privilege, our delight
to come today
to sing your praise
to hear your Word
to offer our prayers and our very selves
may they blend with saints and angels
to your glory and honour, now and always
Glorious Christ
what wonder you bring to us
such love
poured out for us
delivering us from our selfish desires
guiding us from disgraceful paths
of sin and doing wrong
in our own lives
and in common with others
for which we confess before you today
May Christ the Lord
deliver you from sin and evil
and guide your journey of faith and life
today and always