Approach and confession prayer 23 October 2022

Be glad, rejoice

in the Lord your God

sender of rain in spring and autumn

that barns and tattie sheds may be filled

that oil and wine and beer may overflow from vats

be glad, rejoice

in the Lord your God

the hope to the ends of the earth

and furthest seas

The Lord God

whose power formed mighty mountains

stilled roaring waves

and the turmoil of the nations

the whole earth is in awe at your wonders

as dawn to dusk

you call forth songs of joy

Be glad, rejoice

in the Lord your God

bring your adoration to the one

who pours blessings on the whole earth

the one

who meets us here

in Word and song and prayer

we praise God the Father’s promises to us

we praise the Son’s befriending of us

we praise the Spirit, with and among us

to the Father, Son and Spirit

be praise and adoration now and forever

Be glad, rejoice

in the Lord your God

for even when we’ve turned away

even when we’ve given up, when things become hard

even when we’ve failed to keep the faith

God is always with us

guiding and encouraging us

pointing to the finish line

and offering forgiveness

in and through Christ Jesus

may you know that support and forgiveness


as we worship God

Father, Son, Spirit

