Hear us, Lord God
you who sits enthroned between cherubim
who sing your praises hour on hour, day on day, year on year
Come, save us, Lord God
as you saved Israel from Egypt
transporting it as a vine to the Promised Land
granting rich, fertile soil to your chosen people
do the same again, Lord God
plant your vine in us
that we may bear fruit for your kingdom
that we may worship you in truth and power
being filled by the Holy Spirit
as we bow in adoration as your throne
longing to spend time with you
longing to know your love all the more
longing to feel the blessing of your face shining upon us
watching over us, as your people
to whom your kingdom has been granted
Kingdom building Christ
how can the kingdom be built when we are not as one with you and your will?
We turn our faces from injustice, saying “it’s their fault” or “it’s not my problem”
we cause injustice through our lifestyle choices
we say nothing in the face of bullying or lies or intimidation, so not to cause division
and in so doing, we fail to be bearers of good fruit for the kingdom
forgive us, Christ our King, of these and all the many ways we have failed to bring forth your kingdom
release us and set us free from all our sins
that we can be light in this dark world