Loving Father
through Christ our lord
we have become your sons and daughters
united through the sign and seal of your baptism
a baptism of grace-filled love, which you freely and generously pour out on all who receive it
we praise and bless your holy name for this gift, which we received before we could fully understand it, before we even asked for it
in baptism, we are united with all those who are baptised throughout the world and throughout time
united as Christ’s body
we thank you we share this with many people, of diverse backgrounds, cultures, all part of the one church
we recall before you our brothers and sisters in Christ, in this church and in all churches throughout the world.
Sustain them, uphold them, support them in your love and mercy and assist us to be truly together in Christ across the miles
Christ our brother
you came into the world to show the father’s love, to reveal life in all its fullness
but many in our world cannot feel that love, cannot live lives filled with passion and care
as they have too many cares of their own
some do not feel your love, because they are lonely, crippled through debt, struggling with life or they see the terror which is piped onto our screens day after day and wonder where is God, where are you, in all of this?
Some do not feel your love, because they refuse to see it. They see the beauty and complexity of life, of the world, and try to explain it rationally.
But love and grace and mercy cannot be rationally explained.
Fill us with the grace to remain firm in our faith, but respectful of other’s, irrespective of their attacks on our faith
We also recall before you those of other faith traditions, who due to the actions of some, are persecuted, assaulted, harassed
May we have the courage to speak out against these and any injustice, no matter who it may be against,
That, though our words and our actions, all will see your spirit moving within us, will see you light and your love burning within us
and all, throughout your world, will hear and see and feel and know your love,
through Jesus Christ our lord