Shout for joy
proclaim the victory won
death conquered
salvation offered
the gates of righteousness open
these are the mighty things the Lord has done
let us give thanks
for God answers our prayers
God wipes away tears from all faces
removes our disgrace
and has swallowed up death forever and ever
for Christ has risen
he has risen indeed
the Risen One
we cannot express our jubilation at this great day
there is so much to be grateful for
the promise of eternal life
freedom from the burden of sin
love, unconditional love, poured into our lives
poured so freely, it overflows like perfumed oil
into the life of the world in which we move
a world filled with colour and majesty
in the delicacy of butterflies wings
the blue of the forget-me-not
the thunderous roar of waterfalls
may our thankfulness be shown in care for the world around us
that the whole earth may know death overcome
for Christ is risen
he is risen indeed
Living Christ
as we celebrate and praise you this Easter day
we pause to recall all those who have died this past year
where there were no final goodbyes
where funerals have been curtailed
and the grieving process has been harder
may your love continue to surround all who mourn
through your holy spirit
and through care and compassion offered from neighbours, friends, bereavement services
Hope bringing One
through your resurrection, there is a hope and a future
but for many in this land, that feels like an empty promise
opportunities missed
jobs and businesses lost
uncertainty where this all may end
we’re caught up in this too
help each one of us to find hope and, where we can
be hope
to lost and lonely
to hopeless and dejected
for, our Lord
we know it was to such as these you came
into this world
ate with friends and sinners
included those who were excluded
and invite us to go and do likewise
this Easter
may we proclaim
in thought, word and deed
Christ is risen
he is risen indeed