Delight in the Lord
delight in the Lord always
for blessed are those who delight in the Lord’s commands
light dawns for the upright
God comes to those who are generous
and act with justice
delight in the Lord
the Lord is our delight
the One we love
and long to love more
the One we follow
and long to follow faithfully
the One we gather to worship
and long to blend our song, our prayer, our devotion
with the never ending hymn of praise across the earth and the heavens
delight in the Lord
delight in the Lord always
the Lord is our strength and our light
in whom and through whom we have hope
hope that the kingdom is near
the kingdom is very near
through faith in the living Christ Jesus
Living Lord Jesus
be with us we pray
in our time together
and all the days of our lives
that your righteousness and glory may go before us
that we may be salt and light for the world
where we have failed to bring flavour
do not throw us out
do not trample us
where we’re failed to bring light
set us where our works cannot be hidden
where we’ve sinned, against you and others
we seek your forgiveness anew today
may you know you are cleansed and renewed
through the power of the spirit and the love of God
in that forgiveness, be salt of the earth
be light to the world
glorifying God in heaven now and always