Eternal God
unbounded by time and space
we praise you
we honour you
we thank you for your presence with us
as we have worshipped together
we thank you for noticing us, even us here in this place, at this time
we are not important by the world’s standards
but we are important to you
and for that we delight and our hearts are filled with joy
may we look our from the ramparts of this place
seeing and seeking the lost
that they may be found
and restored to their rightful place
as children of the living God
Living Christ
did you deliberately seek out criticism by staying with the worst of sinners?
Thank you for doing this and challenging our views of who can know salvation
thank you that through your life, death and resurrection salvation has come to this house and all our homes
live in us, Christ Jesus
that we may see others as you see them
loved, precious, cared for
open our hearts and minds to seek justice for the oppressed
to plead the case of the widow
to take up the cause of the orphan
that your mercy would flow into the world like refreshing water on dry, parched land
bringing forth life in all its fullness as you promised
Thirst Quenching One
may leaders of businesses, corporations, large land owners know your life giving water
that workers rights are upheld
they are given a fair wage
and treated with respect and dignity
may politicians, in local, Scottish and UK governments know your life giving water
that they would lead with integrity for the good of all the people they serve
may we know your life giving water that it would overflow from us
into the places, people and situations we know are parched and in desperate need of forgiveness, hope, peace and love
which we recall before you in a few moments of quiet
Loving, eternal, living God
accept all our prayers, spoken and unspoken, offered through Christ Jesus Amen