Heavenly Father
in the wonder of the changing seasons,
we thank you
in the hues of the trees
we thank you
in the darkening nights
we thank you
for you are in control, you are the light in our darkness, the hope in our fear, the faith in our journey together
we thank you that the changing seasons remind us of the seasons of life too
childhood and adolescence
school, college, university
jobs and retirement
all are part of the rich tapestry of life
we pray for all who are facing changing seasons in their lives
those who recently moved from home to study or work
we pray they will find friends, build lives, love the places they now call home
those who are waiting for medical treatment
we pray for their patience and endurance in their uncertainty
we pray for those facing retirement, which fills them with fear, not joy, as they do not know what they will do with themselves, will no longer know what defines them.
Loving God
teach us to reach out and support all we know, among this church, our communities, our families, our friends who need support in their changing seasons
Timeless Lord
your work, your love is beyond the seasons
beyond our understanding
we thank you for the faith we have in you
that through it, we may trust in your never ending goodness
bless us, as your church in this place
that in our service of you and others we may show your goodness to all
bless to those who work for the goodness of our communities
the farmers and foresters who tend the land
those who work for the council, tending parks, emptying bins, mending roads
those who support the lonely and isolated, with visits and company
often undervalued, unappreciated
We thank you for all those who make this the wonderful place it is for us to live in
may they know their work is not in vain
Christ our Lord
we thank you for reminding us to be humble and to rely on you and you alone for all good things
grant to us, through your Holy Spirit, hearts which long to do your will, so all may know the goodness of your Father Amen