Eternal Father
We praise and thank you for Jesus Christ our Lord
who promises there is a room prepared for each one of us
A room for each on of us
what a house that must be, Lord God
a house where all those we have loved and lost are at rest and peace
we thank you for that hope and assurance
yet, when we mourn, when we grieve, it can be hard to accept those we love are with you
in the room you have prepared for them
we also ask you assist us to support those within this community of faith, our neighbours and friends, in their grief
may our compassion be calming, helpful and honouring to you
may our presence bring you into the lives and home of those who need your presence most
Christ our Friend
We often get confused, don’t understand what we should do, don’t grasp what you want us to do
we thank you that in our confusion,
you come alongside us and love us
you do not get angry, but as the good shepherd you are, gently lead and guide us in your paths of righteousness
That as our confusion may be lifted, even temporarily, that you may be glorified
Understanding Friend
we pray for those who are confused in our communities, our world
confused at the way the world seems to be heading
confused in the way they should live their lives
confused in mind, soul, though grief, illness, loss
grant to them peace
and to those who care for them
understanding, compassion, love
Christ our King
You promise when we ask for anything in your name, you will do it
we thank you we can bring everything to you in prayer but sometimes it seems our prayers are not answered in the way we would like
grant to us patience and acceptance to trust in your promise that you do answer our prayers
In a few moments of quiet, let us bring before God the prayers of thanks and concern we have, which cannot be expressed in word, but which we can be assured Jesus Christ understands
Lord God, these are our prayers, spoken and written on our hearts, offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we pray…